Principal: Mrs Meg Lawson
Address: 1 Fisher Lane, Sandy Bay, 7005, Tasmania, Australia
Tel: +61 3 6225 1064
Post: PO Box 2090, Lower Sandy Bay, 7005, Tasmania, Australia
Reception hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm during term time, 9.00am- 3:30pm during school holidays.
Enrolment Enquiries
If you have an enrolment or admissions enquiry please either complete an enquiry form or contact Mary Marino or Katie Ferguson on the contact details below:
Tel: +61 3 6225 1064
Student Absences
Parents are asked to notify the School of student absence due to illness, late arrival or early departure by 9:00am through:
- The Fahan School App
- By email to
- By phone on 6225 1064
At Fahan, we are dedicated to fostering open communication and ensuring the wellbeing of all students and their families. We welcome your feedback and are committed to:
- Providing opportunities for you to share your feedback or raise any concerns;
- Keeping you informed about how you can communicate with us;
- Responding to feedback in a timely, respectful, and considerate manner;
- Upholding privacy and confidentiality at all times;
- Directing your feedback to the most appropriate area for review and resolution; and
- Taking appropriate action to address concerns, grievances, or complaints.
Your voice matters, and we value your input as we work together to support our School Community.
If you wish to provide us with feedback, please email us at
If you do wish to lodge a formal complaint, please ensure that you have first read through our Complaints and Grievances Policy and Procedure, and understand that submitting a form through this web site is a formal process that will require further involvement on your part.
If you wish to make a formal statement regarding a complaint or grievance, please complete our Complaints Form.