Opening of the Fahan School Archives

03 July 2019

Published in

alumni, parents, staff, students

The Fahan School Archives were officially opened by Principal, Tony Freeman, on 3 July 2019.

Over 60 attendees, including members of the Nateby Club, curators, and staff and students from Years 4 and 8, heard from School Archivist, Meg Lawson, and Tony about the project which is the culmination of years of hard work, cataloging and organising the collection.

Meg commented, “I am very pleased to see that the hard work from so many people has come to fruition to make such an interesting and inviting space. The Fahan Archives belong to the whole School Community and I hope they will feel welcome to come to look. We plan on updating the collection over time and making changes to the items on display."

The Archives Room was made possible with the incredible expertise of Futago, chiefly Kate Owen and Saxon Shing. Past parent, Chris Viney, completed the copywriting and Red Arrow was engaged to bring the room together. Thank you to architect, Tim Penny, who generously donated his time to the project to ensure it was delivered successfully.

In his speech, Tony remarked how wonderful it was to finally see a dedicated space for the Archives and he expressed heartfelt thanks to Meg Lawson, John Williamson and Robbie Poynter, Class of 1964, who so generously gave their time to ensure the room was an accurate representation of the history of the School.

Fahan gratefully acknowledges all who have donated to the Archives collection.


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