Fahan girls are engaged in all elements of the Arts from an early age and there are endless opportunities for your daughter to explore her creative abilities.
At Fahan School, a love of the Arts is fostered from an early age. Creativity and imagination are nurtured and encouraged by passionate teaching staff across all areas of the curriculum. The Arts Program at Fahan aims to challenge, excite and inspire girls to build their confidence and further develop their abilities.
At Fahan we understand that the creation of images is an essential human characteristic and from a very early age each of us is inclined to draw. Not only do we teach our students Art from Pre-Kinder through to Year 12 but we also offer extra-curricular Art classes for those talented individuals who want to explore the visual realm.
Our Art teachers are also practicing artists and they bring a wealth of knowledge and experiences to both the curricular and extra-curricular programs. The Junior School Artist in Residence supports students in the Early Learning Centre and Junior School with their investigations and projects in Art, assisting children to acquire an understanding of a diverse range of two and three-dimensional media. The Senior School Art teacher develops the sophisticated Art program in the Middle and Senior Schools, assisted, in Years 11 and 12, by the Artist in Residence whose work is represented in many major collections throughout Australia.
At Fahan, your daughter is given the opportunity to explore her artisic ability and express herself through the visual arts by pushing the boundaries of creativity.