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30 June 2021
Wednesday 30 June marked a special day in the history of Fahan School with the return of Commander Phillipa Hay, CSC and Bar, ADC, RAN and Class of 1992
23 June 2021
These bespoke events utilise the experience and knowledge of our young alumni to enlighten and inspire our Year 12 girls as they make plans for their future.
26 May 2021
It was a stunning Autumn day for our team of 53 Senior School girls who ran in the SSATIS Cross Country at the Queens Domain
19 May 2021
On 19 May our girls joined with schools across Australia to participate in the annual literacy event, National Simultaneous Storytime.
10 May 2021
On Friday 7 May, Fahan competed in the All Schools State Mountain Biking Championships at Trevallyn Recreation Area in Launceston.
26 April 2021
Our girls from Kindergarten to Year 12 came together today for a special ANZAC Commemorative Service
25 April 2021
Congratulations to the Fahan Sailing team who competed in the 2021 Tasmanian Teams Sailing State Championships
25 March 2021
On Thursday 25 March, Fahan students in Years 5, 7, 8 and Year 9 and 11 Japanese classes participated in a fun event called the ‘Nihongo Roadshow’.
09 March 2021
Tuesday 9 March 2021
28 January 2021
We are delighted to share our new Strategic Plan and refreshed Vision, Mission and Values.
18 December 2020
The 2020 TCE results have been released, and we are so very proud of and humbled by these girls, and their efforts in 2020.
29 October 2020
Thank you for all your support
21 July 2020
We’ve had a fantastic start to Term Three at Fahan, beginning with a celebration of long-serving staff members on Monday 20 July.
02 July 2020
During Term Two, the Year 8 Science classes have been studying energy and energy efficiency.
30 June 2020
Our Years 9 and 10 Digital Design students completed a real world design brief during Term Two. The girls were tasked with creating a new sticker decal for the entrance door to the Digital Technology Hub.
25 June 2020
Our Year 7 girls have enjoyed a busy term studying Physics, culminating in the construction of their very own model roller coasters!
19 June 2020
It’s always fascinating to look back and see how the School has evolved over time.
21 May 2020
Our Year 11 and 12 girls have surprised their teachers with a beautiful thank you message
05 May 2020
Today we are flying these flags to celebrate all of our amazing and inspiring students. The flags beautifully encapsulate the resilient spirit of all our Fahan girls during this time!
04 May 2020
Fahan School Counsellor tips for maintaining mental health during eLearning